Friday, August 29, 2008


On Wednesday we met with Minnesota Senator Larry Pogemiller's policy coordinator Lindsey Wollschlager to discuss the laws pertaining to Minnesota burial and cemetery policies. She has given us a lot of great insight into current legislature and put into perspective what limitations we do and do not have. Fortunately, we will have more freedom than we initially thought and the major hurdles we will have to overcome are funding for the land and convincing the county that a conservation cemetery is something necessary and worth while. I think we can do it!

On Saturday, November 1st we are planning our first big event for TNL! It's going to be a Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) party held in the community. We are still in the very early stages of planning but as details emerge we will be sure to pass them on. We expect this to be an extremely fun and informational event for everyone to attend.

Finally, I would like to start organizing official Minnesota TNL volunteers soon. I intend to set up a couple meeting times and places probably the first week in October where you can come, learn about our group, and get involved with our mission. Hope to see you there!


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